Fall Astronomy Day $.99 sale….

October 16, Saturday is the Fall Astronomy Day (not to be confused with the Spring Astronomy Day). Amateurs from around the world are asked to haul out ol’ “Betsy” or whatever they name their telescope, over the weekend to let their friends and neighbors have their very first ever look through a scope. So to encourage people to look up, I am offering Distant Suns 2 for sale at only $.99. Distant Suns 3 is also on sale for half off, and is...

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Distant Suns 3.1.1 released

Good news, for all of you patient and kind Distant Suns types, 3.1.1 went up live to the Appstore last night fixing the compass bug that caused it to flip 180 degrees when in landscape mode. A  number of smaller things were tossed into the mix. Some have reported the compass staying stuck on North. I see that at times but it goes away when I change my position by a few feet.. So I am convinced that it is an iPhone/iPad issue and not a Distant...

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Why no automatic upgrades from DS2 to DS3?

I get this question a lot. And yes, it is legitimate to ask. The reason why I don’t upgrade Distant Suns 2 users to version 3 is simple: There is no way to do that on the Appstore between two different apps. “Ok, hotshot, why have two versions of the same thing? Couldn’t you have just made Distant Suns 2 the universal app and not have another version for sale?” Yes, and no. Yes, as that is what I would like to have done…No…is that Distant Suns...

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