“Welcome to my planetarium!” – Distant Suns (+VR) Released

Ever wanted to travel through space? Me too.
Growing up in the 60s, it was hard to ignore the moon program. If there was a launch in the morning, my teachers knew I’d be late to school. My penance? Bring my models and explain the latest mission.
Every Friday evening you would find me at a local observatory or planetarium. They were magic. I’d sit in the back row trying to “catch” the stars as the planetarium’s projector rotated the sky against the dome. I thought that someday I might have my own planetarium, invite people in, turn out the lights and turn up the night.
A planetarium was the closest thing I’d ever have to spaceflight, but I wanted my own.
I finally realized my dream in 1985 when the first home computers came out with graphics sophisticated enough to display a (reasonably) realistic night sky. That’s how Distant Suns came to be (original name: Galileo. But my publisher never trademarked it before someone else did. Stupid publisher).
Officially first released more than 30 years ago in 1987 for the Commodore Amiga at $99, and on iOS since 2008, Distant Suns (VR) represents the third complete rewrite. It takes advantage of the best graphics Apple’s devices have yet to offer and the most compelling version of Distant Suns yet.
Until now, Distant Suns brought the universe to you. But thanks to VR, I can now take you to the Universe. (Figuratively speaking, of course. I mean, I can’t really take you to the Universe, I mean it’s just really big and, well, monstrously annoying, what with all of that dark matter, hard x-rays, and the vacuum. Oh, the vacuum! Don’t even get me started!)
Where the magic happens
Sporting over a quarter-million stars, all constellations, galaxies and nebula, planets and major moons, Distant Suns is perfect for the whole family as a personal tutor to learn about the evening’s sky.
Considered one of the most beautiful apps for iOS, Distant Suns has been featured many times by Apple, including one of two featured apps on iPad launch day in 2010.
Now with VR support, you can immerse yourself in the heavens, free of the Earth to glide over the moon, rendezvous with Mars, watch Saturn eclipsing the sun.
And while not as cool looking as the old-school optical projectors, I can finally open up the doors and shout, “Welcome to my planetarium!”
Download your copy of Distant Suns (+VR) for iOS.
Watch the trailers here.
Read more product details, here.
Read the press release here.