Northern Lights from North of the Arctic Circle

I’ve been back from Norway for a couple of weeks, but for the first week was too wacked out from jet lag to do much of anything. I was thinking that were I to do a coding marathon of 30+ hours, skip one night’s sleep then get to bed at a “normal” time, I could do a hard reset of my internal clock. Nope. Didn’t work. Screwed me up (well, more than normal). The trip was terrific, but too short. While I don’t like fish, it made meals difficult at time, Norwegians have a way with desserts that more than made up for the fish. Oh, and I also turned down the stuffed reindeer hearts. (“Oh, Mike! How could you!”).
My main quest to see the aurora was completed on the one and only clear night. Unfortunately it was considered a “mediocre” display by our guest speaker/photographer, Dennis Mammana. The greenish colors were barely detectable with the eye, and only visible in the photos. Well, I guess that means I have to go again, maybe Iceland next year. Oh… the torture.