More transity goodness

One of the fun things about going with an astronomy tour group is that I can let other people schlep their telescopes on the airplane, and I can “bum a look.” I supposed not much different then bumming for a smoke, but much healthier. Although, admittedly, it would have been fun to have my C6 with me. But it is a lot of fun comparing the various instruments side-by-side all aimed at the same target.
I go with Melitatrips, based in San Jose. Melita Wade-Thorpe is a delightful and generous woman who has combined her love of astronomy with travel for the past couple of decades. This is my third trip, having previously gone to Florence, Italy and Easter Island/Patagonia for the 2010 eclipse. She works with Astronomy Magazine, and frequently has David Eicher, the magazine’s editor or one of their many authors. For the transit trip with had both Dave and noted supernova specialist and frequent NOVA guest, Dr. Alex Fillipenko of UC Berkeley. And if you have the good fortune to live in the San Jose area, be forewarned that you will likely be invited to her lovely summer parties.
Next stop is November for the Australian eclipse with a side trip to New Zealand.