Distant Suns 25th Anniversary (and Sweepstakes)

25 years ago, while working at the NASA Ames Research Center, I got the idea to create an astronomy program for computer users. It started out as a 17 line BASIC program and I’ve been polishing it up ever since.
Thanks to you, Distant Suns has become one of the longest-lived, continually published, consumer software titles still on the market, bested only by products like Windows, Microsoft Word, and Broderbund’s Print Shop.
I want to celebrate Distant Suns 25th Anniversary with you by giving away prizes that help people of all ages appreciate the night sky. Go to our Facebook page and enter our sweepstakes for a chance to win a Skyquest Telescope, Celestron Binoculars and some Mars Meteorites.
I’ve enjoyed creating all the various versions of Distant Suns and helping thousands of people enjoy the wonders of the cosmos on just about every computer platform and operating system:
1987 – Released for Commodore Amiga under the name “Galileo,” soon changed to Distant Suns
1990 – Windows 3
1995 – Macintosh
2008 – iPhone
2010 – iPad
2012 – Kindle, NOOK, Google Nexus, Samsung Galaxy
2013 – WebOS, Multics, Magic Hat and SOS (just kidding)
Thank you so much for your support over the last 25 years and best of luck in the sweepstakes.
Clear skies!