Distant Suns 2.1

Posted by on January 22, 2010 in Announcement, Distant Suns App, iPhone/iPad | 3 comments

Apple just approved Distant Suns 2.1 for sale. I did receive one note reporting an installation oddity, but he said a relaunching the app cleared it up. I am investigating though.

This just in: (imagine teletypes in the background). If you experience an exit on startup, what is happening is this: I only recently learned that the iPhone has a watchdog timer that limits the amount of time it takes for an app to load. If it goes too long (15 or 20 secs) the iPhone will kill it. The timer is disabled via the dev system, so I rarely came across it. On first use, Distant Suns will fetch the sun’s image that is displayed with the sun’s data. That can be just enough to push it over the line. Relaunching it, it knows not to get a new sun image for a while, and it’s happy.