Venus in Daytime
You may have heard that it is possible to see Venus during broad daylight if you know exactly where to look. And as it is near it’s maximum brilliancy and near a more visible object, today was a perfect time to amaze your friends with your eagle-sharp eyesight. The moon serves as a marker of sorts to bring you to the vicinity, while a pair of binoculars will help you zoom in on the target.
Today, Venus was about 5 moon diameters away in the 5 o’clock position. I parked myself in the shade to avoid direct sunlight, found the still fairly young moon, and was able to quickly find Venus. First with my 20x Celestron binoculars to align things with the tip of a tree branch, then with my naked eye. When you know just where to look it’ll pop out at you.
Through my scope it was very clear, and actually better then at night when it is almost too bright to see without glare washing out any details.